Allotments in Maidstone

Site Manager


Site Reps

Barry Nickoll

John McFarlane


Square Hill, Maidstone, ME15 7TS

Click for Map.


Square Hill


Any plot holder that has an urgent issue, should contact the allotment office by email or phone.  Please see our Contact Us page for details.

A member of the MAMC committee will then come back to you.

Interested in an allotment plot?

If you would like to enquire about having a plot on this site, please email our secretary to be put onto the waiting list.

Please visit the Contact Page for more details.

27 plots
Square Hill allotments comprise a number of plots, any one of which is sufficient to grow enough vegetables to feed an average family.

The land used to be a millpond, but the mill has long passed into history and been replaced by a high rise block of council flats known as Sunningdale Court.  It is bounded on one side by Blythe Road and on the other by the River Len.  There is no mains water.

The soil is alluvial loam; much enriched over the years by allotmenteers compost and manure.  Most crops do well and there is a huge diversity on display from traditional root crops through all the pea and bean family to brassicas, soft fruit, top fruit, vines and even olives!

Access is via a wheelbarrow-friendly one metre wide concrete path; there is no vehicular access and car parking is limited to 2 hours on Blythe Road.

There are two fellow plot-holders who act as site representatives on behalf of all the tenants to the Management C0mmittee, communicating news and views (in both directions) and encouraging new tenants.  To be moderately successful a tenant must realistically commit to at least 2-3 visits/5 hours per week during the main growing season and perhaps half this time during the winter; less than this and the upkeep becomes burdensome and loses its fun.

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